Salvation Army History of Dan Ross
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Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? |
These web pages about my Salvation Army experience are dedicated to those loyal Christian men and women who are within the Salvation Army, but who are also members of that "Glorious church, without spot or wrinkle, washed in the Blood of the Lamb."
"For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood." Acts 20:27,28
You may be surrounded by the "savage wolves" Luke speaks of in the rest of this scripture, but take heart, trust God, He will take care of you.
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:27 |
Do you see them coming,
brother, 'Tis a glorious
Church without spot or wrinkle, Do you hear the stirring
anthems, 'Tis a glorious
Church without spot or wrinkle, Never fear the clouds
of sorrow, 'Tis a glorious
Church without spot or wrinkle, Wave the banner,
shout His praises, 'Tis a glorious
Church without spot or wrinkle, 'Tis a glorious
Church without spot or wrinkle, |
My mother and we five children began attending The Salvation Army when I was seven years old. This is the story of my history with the Salvation Army. This may also explain certain weirdness in me. The most important occurrences in this subject were at The Seattle Temple Corps. You will read in detail about The Salvation Army Seattle Temple Corps in the last installment of this serialized history of my life in The Salvation Army. |
Visit Register to find old Salvation Army friends. Tell which Salvation Army corps you have attended in the past and now. Your friends will be able to find you. We've found friends we hadn't seen in thirty years within minutes after registering. |

Salvation Army Seattle Temple Corps, NorthWest Division
Route to
Salvation Army Northwest Division Headquarters
The Salvation Army History of Dan Ross is for my friends
and acquaintances around the world. I have Salvatioist friends
all over the United States and in the United Kingdom, France,
Nigeria, Australia, Canada, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Japan,
Korea, The Philipines, South America, Central America, Sweden
and other countries. We have had a great time together for the
most part and this is an opportunity to reminisce and reclaim
friendships. I hope you enjoy your time on these webpages. Thanks
for visiting
My first Salvation Army expereince was in Sheridan, Wyoming.
Sheridan, Wyoming is within The Salvation Army Intermountain
Division in the Western Territory of the United States..
My family moved to Seattle, Washington, when I was 12 years
old. We attended the Ballard Ooutpost of the Seattle Citadel
Corps. This Corps later changed its name to The Seattle Temple
Corps. It is within the Salvation Army Northwest Division of
the Western Territory of the United States.
When I was in my second year of college, I enlisted in the
US Army. My Advanced Individual Training took place at the United
States Army Intelligence School on the outskirts of Baltimore,
Maryland, in Dundalk County at Fort Holabird, "The Bird."
While stationed there, I attended The Salvation Army Hampden
Corps in Baltimore. It was in The Salvation Army Maryland Division
of the Southern Territory of the United States. The Division
has since been changed to include what used to be The Salvation
Army National Capital Division.
My next Salvati9on Army experience took place in Saigon, Vietnam,
where I met up with the Salvation Army Medical and Soc9ial Services
mission. I spent a lot of my spare time with them carrying boxes
and driving a VW van for them and just kind of keeping them company.
In Saigon, I attended our 525th Military Intelligence Group's
chapel while on duty and when not on duty, I would go to the
Christian Missionary Alliance Church in Saigon with the Salvationists
After Saigon, Vietnma, I was transf3erred to Ft Brtagg, North
Carolina, where I was in the 18th Field Army )Airborne) in the
Continental Intelligence Command. While at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina, I attended The Salvation Army Fayetteville Corps.
I wrangled a transfer out of the Continental Intelligence
Command to a high tech research outfit. I went to the 163rd Military
Intelligence Command at West Fort Hood, Texas. While at Fort
Hood, I attended The Salvation Army Waco Corps. I met my wife,
Bonna, at the Waco Corps and was married shortly before I left
the US Army.
After Waco, I returned to Seattle with my wife and majored
in Physics at the University of Washington. While in undergrad
school, we attended The Saovation Army Seattle Temple Corps where
Bonna and I created the Seattle Temple Corps Young People's Band
and Singing Company.
Upon graduation from the University of Washington with a Bachleor
of Science Degree, we moved to Houston, Texas so I could attend
grad school. My wife and I both taught school while I attended
grad school at night. In Houston, we attended The Salvation Army
Houston Temple Corps.
We returned to Seattle later and we once again attended The
Salvation Army Seattle Temple Corps where we rejuvenated the
Seattle Temple Corps Young People's Band which was very successful
once again.
Click on any city above to see photos and read about dmy experiences
in each of these places.
The Salvation Army History of Dan Ross is for my friends and acquaintances around the world. I have Salvatioist friends all over the United States and in the United Kingdom, France, Nigeria, Australia, Canada, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, The Philipines, South America, Central America, Sweden and other countries. We have had a great time together for the most part and this is an opportunity to reminisce and reclaim friendships. I hope you enjoy your time on these webpages. Thanks for visiting My first Salvation Army expereince was in Sheridan, Wyoming. Sheridan, Wyoming is within The Salvation Army Intermountain Division in the Western Territory of the United States.. My family moved to Seattle, Washington, when I was 12 years old. We attended the Ballard Ooutpost of the Seattle Citadel Corps. This Corps later changed its name to The Seattle Temple Corps. It is within the Salvation Army Northwest Division of the Western Territory of the United States. When I was in my second year of college, I enlisted in the US Army. My Advanced Individual Training took place at the United States Army Intelligence School on the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland, in Dundalk County at Fort Holabird, "The Bird." While stationed there, I attended The Salvation Army Hampden Corps in Baltimore. It was in The Salvation Army Maryland Division of the Southern Territory of the United States. The Division has since been changed to include what used to be The Salvation Army National Capital Division. My next Salvati9on Army experience took place in Saigon, Vietnam, where I met up with the Salvation Army Medical and Soc9ial Services mission. I spent a lot of my spare time with them carrying boxes and driving a VW van for them and just kind of keeping them company. In Saigon, I attended our 525th Military Intelligence Group's chapel while on duty and when not on duty, I would go to the Christian Missionary Alliance Church in Saigon with the Salvationists there. After Saigon, Vietnma, I was transf3erred to Ft Brtagg, North Carolina, where I was in the 18th Field Army )Airborne) in the Continental Intelligence Command. While at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, I attended The Salvation Army Fayetteville Corps. I wrangled a transfer out of the Continental Intelligence Command to a high tech research outfit. I went to the 163rd Military Intelligence Command at West Fort Hood, Texas. While at Fort Hood, I attended The Salvation Army Waco Corps. I met my wife, Bonna, at the Waco Corps and was married shortly before I left the US Army. After Waco, I returned to Seattle with my wife and majored in Physics at the University of Washington. While in undergrad school, we attended The Saovation Army Seattle Temple Corps where Bonna and I created the Seattle Temple Corps Young People's Band and Singing Company. Upon graduation from the University of Washington with a Bachleor of Science Degree, we moved to Houston, Texas so I could attend grad school. My wife and I both taught school while I attended grad school at night. In Houston, we attended The Salvation Army Houston Temple Corps. We returned to Seattle later and we once again attended The Salvation Army Seattle Temple Corps where we rejuvenated the Seattle Temple Corps Young People's Band which was very successful once again. Click on any city above to see photos and read about dmy experiences in each of these places. |
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 01, Growing Up - Sheridan Corps, Wyoming 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 02, Growing Up - Seattle Temple Corps, Washington 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 03, In the US Army, Baltimore Hampden Corps, Maryland 12/04/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 04, In the US Army, Christian Missionary Alliance "Corps," Saigon, Vietnam 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 05, In the US Army, Fayetteville Corps, North Carolina 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 06, In the US Army, Waco Corps, Texas 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 07, Back Home - Seattle Temple Corps, Washington 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 08, In Grad School, Houston Temple Corps, Texas 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 09, The Gulf Coast Area Band, "Festival Brass" 11/10/03
- Dan Ross and the Salvation Army 10, Back Home AGAIN, The Seattle Temple Corps, Washington 12/28/03
The Salvation Army English Speaking Corps, Hong Kong
William Booth, a former Methodist preacher, wanted a way to reach the poor and socially outcast of London. Gradually, his organization of Christian Missions grew into The Salvation Army, and by the late 1800s, had begun to spread the love of God and His word throughout the world. Because of the unconventional style in which The Salvation Army was organized, like an army with Booth himself as the general, the officers and followers were persecuted, and many were killed. But the organization sustained its growth.
In 1880, Commissioner George Scott Railton and seven women officers landed in New York and claimed the Americas for God. Salvation Army service in the United States grew and began to include services such as shelters, food depots, and hospitals.
During World War I, Salvation Army women officers wanted a way to help remind the soldiers of home, but they only had the materials on hand to make doughnuts. These "Doughnut Dollys" were so popular, the soldiers began to write home about Salvation Army service, and the Salvation Army's reputation as a worldwide service organization took off.
The Salvation Army continued to help with war services during World War II, cooperating with other organizations to form the USOs.
Today, The Salvation Army serves humankind in 106 countries around the world. Services include assistance with rent, food, utilities and prescriptions, transitional housing, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, Christian counseling, emergency men's, women's and children's shelters, youth services, services for the elderly, summer camping programs, and many more.
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